Discoid roaches (Blaberus discoidales) are a tropical species of cockroach, and like many other insects, their reproductive activity can be influenced by temperature. Colder weather typically slows down the breeding and reproductive rates of discoid roaches for several reasons:
Metabolic Rate: In colder temperatures, the metabolic rate of insects, including roaches, tends to decrease. This means they have less energy to invest in activities like reproduction. Slower metabolism results in reduced energy available for growth and reproduction.
Decreased Activity: Colder temperatures can make discoid roaches less active. Reduced activity can lead to decreased mating opportunities and overall reproductive activity. Insects are ectothermic, which means the external environment largely influences their body temperature. When it's cold, they may not be as active in searching for mates or food.
Longer Developmental Times: Colder temperatures can lengthen the time it takes for discoid roach nymphs to develop into adults. Slower growth and development can delay the onset of reproduction, as immature roaches are incapable of reproducing.
Reduced Reproductive Activity: Female roaches may produce fewer oothecae (egg cases) in colder temperatures. Even if they lay eggs, the development of the eggs within the ootheca may slow down due to the lower temperature, delaying hatching and the growth of the next generation.
Reduced Food Availability: In colder weather, there may be fewer food resources available for discoid roaches. Limited food can result in reduced energy reserves and can further inhibit reproductive activity.
Seasonal Changes: In their natural habitats, many species of roaches, including discoid roaches, exhibit seasonal reproductive patterns. Colder weather may be a signal to reduce reproductive efforts until more favorable conditions return.

Overall, these factors combined can result in a slower rate of reproduction in discoid roaches during colder weather, as they adapt to the environmental challenges posed by low temperatures. It's essential to understand these factors when keeping them as pets or studying their biology in a laboratory setting, as temperature regulation can impact their reproductive behavior and success.
We've tried amping up the barn temperatures in the Barns during the cooler weather but over the past almost five years, we've discovered that you can not really fool Mother Nature, and while it may keep breeding going, it's at a significantly reduced rate. We hope this explains our latest email in more detail :)
Mel & Chris
Luna Roaches