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What's new in our world!

We haven't written a blog post in a while and I thought we were long overdue. As States are slowly re-opening and life will return to a new form of normal eventually, things here at our place are in full swing! If you frequent our Page occasionally you may have seen our announcement that we're buying a house and moving from Palm Coast to Hastings Florida out into the Countryside! On top of that, now that we will have a much larger property, we will also have a long-overdue expansion and a new Barn!

To say that we are excited is an understatement. The new barn will give us the opportunity to breed more and hopefully be able to keep up with demand. LOL You guys have been rocking our Store and we will never be able to fully tell you how much we appreciate your continuous flow of orders and love for our Luna Roaches!

We're still trying to catch up with the re-growth of our Roach Stock that got severely depleted at the beginning of COVID-19, we're getting there though and are adding packs back in as fast as they grow. The second barn should help us with this as well.

That said, we removed the "Maternity Wards" for the time being as we need the Gollywompers we've been sending with them to produce our next generations of Roaches. We have added some 3/4 to 1 inch though. Also, for the time being, we're sticking with shipping only twice a week at least until we're moved and have our Roaches in our new place which should happen at the end of this month (Fingers crossed!) Once we know for sure when we're moving we're going to have to set our office back up and unpack some stuff to even be operational, so please expect some downtime from us and we will probably be taking all products offline for a 2 week period to get moved and somewhat unpacked. We'll make sure we give you guys a heads up when that time approaches. Once we're all settled in we will also offer local pickup at our home. You'll be able to see our barns and how we're set up if you decide to come to pick up your Roaches in person!

Okay, back to packing boxes - we still have a lot to do! :)

Mel & Chris

Luna Roaches

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