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As many of you know, Chris and I not only own Luna Roaches, but we are also avid Homesteaders in our spare time. With Spring in full swing here in Florida we are waaay behind planting all of our Food Forrest and getting the rest of the crops into the ground, and we'll need to take a few days off to catch up with all of the work. Since we're also raising 15 new Chicks and 5 baby Turkeys, we still have to put the infrastructure in place for those to be able to move outside, and on top of that, we're also getting to get our bees delivered for our very first bee hive ever. (Growing lots of food requires lots of Pollinators LOL.) The ultimate goal for us is to grow all of our roach food ourselves as well as grow enough food for ourselves.

With all of the work ahead, we just need a few days to fully focus on getting everything built and into the ground before it is too late in the season (We are also eternally grateful that this is a one-time infrastructure build and that the food forest is permaculture!). So what we are going to do is go on a "mini stay-cation" starting Monday, April 1, 2024 until Friday, April 5, 2024 which should give us enough time to accomplish everything.

  • Last day to get orders in: Thursday, March 28th before 8.30 am EDT.

  • Store Shutdown begins: Thursday, March 28th after 8.30 am EDT

  • Store Shutdown ends: Thursday, April 5th around 10am EDT.

  • Existing Subscription Shipping during Vacation Week: Thursday April 5th, 2024

  • First day of regular Shipping again (because we only regularly ship Mon-Thur): Monday April 8th, 2024

We'll leave you with a few pictures of the Chaos that is currently our Homestead LOL (See how nicely you can repurpose empty Zen habitats? They make excellent Livestock brooders ;)

Thank you so much for understanding!


Mel & Chris

81 views3 comments


Unknown member
Jul 24

That is such a great post. InternetChicks


Unknown member
Mar 25

❤️ That means so much to us!!


Unknown member
Mar 25

Y’all are doing amazing!!!! I talk about y’all constantly!!!! Mel + Chris = amazing teamwork that shows!!!!!!! I am an extremely happy customer

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